Selenium can be written in one of the popular langugaes like Java, C#, Python, Js, Ruby ... However, here is the list of the software that you may need to have Selenium-Java learning.

  • Base : JDK 1.8 or above
  • IDE : Eclipse / IntelliJ / VSCode
  • Jar Files : Selenium 4.x, TestNg 7.x, Apache POI 5.x, Cucumber 7.x, Extent 5.x
  • Plugins : TestNG, Cucumber

It is nice to have a laptop or desktop with i5 or above with 8 GB RAM for smoother learning. However, it is okay to have i3 system with the minimum of 4 GB RAM and lesser than would not be the best fit for learning.

Selenium 4.x have features built based on Java 8; hence to use latest Selenium source, we need to have minimum Java 8 or you can have the latest Java versions as well. Please note that you can have multiple JDK in your machine; however, it is important to set path with the Java 8 or latest of your preference.

Eclipse is preferred and it is the best IDE for Java development and it is the opensource IDE with so many plugins compared to other tools. TestLeaf recommends you to use Eclipse during learning; however, you can use other IDE of your choice.

Creating Maven project is preferred than other type of projects. The common reasons :-

  • a) It is easy to manage software dependencies with new versions
  • b) Most used project type in Java project world
  • c) Preferred for interview experience too

Maven is a project management tool that is based on POM (project object model). It is used for building Java development or testing projects with dependencies and documentations.

Major Benefits:

  • a) It adds all necessary jars to project as per dependencies mentioned in pom.xml file.
  • b) It creates the standard project structure.
  • c) It makes automation project easy to build.

Dependencies are the softwares (Jar files) required for the project for test automation development. Maven helps us to download dependencies, which refers to the libraries or JAR files. For example, when you like to change the selenium version from 3.x to 4.x, you can go and change in POM.xml and it gets downloaded automatically and get added to your project; whereas in Java (only) projects, you need to download manually and attach them.

Specially in the context where your customers or manual testing team do not know which software versions to use and where to download from, Maven dependencies can be handy.

In Java (only) Project, if you want to work on any software (like Selenium or TestNG) then you have to associate those jar files and associate/configure those jar files to your project manually, whereas in Maven project provide the dependency in POM file and it downloads, add them automatically to your project. It is simple and easy to manage !

Also you can create shippable / executable Selenium Project testing jar files with all your testcases written for your customers or your internal teams.

  • Selenium WebDriver - The browser automation framework
  • WebdriverManager - The native browser driver management library
  • TestNG - The test execution framework
  • Cucumber - The Behaviourial driven development framework
  • Apache POI - The library for reading MS Office like excel
  • Extent Reports - The library for HTML reporting

It is okay to download yourself but you may have look out for all compatible software based on your OS, architecture and version. It is absolutely easy and one place to download and make it to work from our software repository.

The maven errors can be of different types. Firstly, read the error messages and based on the error, go through our documentation to resolve. However, the most common error message when maven is setup is to due to the incomplete download and that can be resolved by maven force update and that will initiate re-download of the maven project and dependencies. You can see the downloaded files under .m2 folder in your machine.

Managing to have Java, Eclipse and Selenium in lower capacity machine is very challenging. We recommend you to talk to your mentor and ask for advise / recommendations.

Except JDK, rest of the softwares are just downloaded not to be installed. Most of the office laptops, have java pre installed. So you should be fine in your office machine.

However, if the maven downloads are failing due to firewall settings in your office machine, then you can download the maven dependencies shared from drive and copy to your .m2 folder to make it work.

First, confirm that your java installed in your machine by looking at the directory based on your OS. Please follow this document for more:

If the java is not installed, go ahead and download JDK 1.8 or above and complete the installation. Even after installation, if java not found in terminal, then follow the instructions to setup the environment variable using this doc:

It is okay to have any Java version above Java 8 (1.8).

If java is installed but not found in terminal, then follow the instructions to setup the environment variable for your machine :

The maven errors can be of different types. Firstly, read the error messages and based on the error, go through our documentation to resolve. However, the most common error message when maven is setup is to due to the incomplete download and that can be resolved by maven force update and that will initiate re-download of the maven project and dependencies. You can see the downloaded files under .m2 folder in your machine.

Refer the documentation specific to MAC/Linux and it will help you to setup the required software in less than 60 minutes at max.

The warnings are absolutely okay to live with for now. It will be detailed in the live classes.

Do the following check and confirm

1) Eclipse launches fine
2) Maven Project that you created has no errors
3) Maven dependencies are available on eclipse left panel

If all 3 are good, then you are done !